
A skin rejuvenation technique that harnesses the skin’s natural ability to regenerate offers a treatment called microneedling.


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Stay at the clinic
Without hospitalisation
Duration of recovery
No recovery
Duration of the procedure
30-60 minutes
Procedure type
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What is Microneedling

Acupuncture is a medical technique that uses its natural ability to regenerate the skin to rejuvenate it. The method consists in the fact that the doctor creates very fine channels in the skin, thus creating microtrauma. Thanks to this, the skin renewal process is started, collagen production and cell regeneration are stimulated. To increase the effect of the method, a specially selected mesotherapeutic serum is applied to the canals.

For whom the treatment is suitable

The treatment is an ideal method for women and men who need to rejuvenate and turn off aging and sagging skin. Microneedling can be used to smooth out fine wrinkles, but also lighten pigment spots and improve the condition of scars. The treatment is suitable for all skin types.

How does the treatment work?

Before treatment

Microneedling does not require any special preparation. Consultation and treatment is carried out in one visit. The procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Microneedling uses the skin’s natural regenerative abilities and is painless with a long-lasting effect.

Course of treatment

The treated area is numbed with a local anesthetic. The doctor will select the appropriate serum and type of microneedles for the given type of problem. Subsequently, he performs a large number of very fine and shallow punctures to a depth of 0.1 to 2 mm. The pain of the procedure is minimal.

After the treatment

After the procedure, the skin is temporarily reddened. This redness begins to fade gradually, usually taking 1-14 days depending on skin sensitivity. Tiny bruises may appear, but they are also quickly absorbed. Treated skin should be protected from sunlight with creams with a high protection factor during the healing period. It is also not suitable to visit cosmetics, solarium or sauna.

Important information

After the treatment, the skin renewal process is started, which takes several months. During this time, new collagen is created, skin cells are regenerated and the skin becomes more elastic, brighter, and fine wrinkles are reduced. To achieve an optimal result, the treatment should be repeated several times, usually 3 sessions are recommended.

Words of our customers

ABClinic Art & Beauty
MUDr. Vanessa Lovetinska
Very sympathetic and wonderful doctor, I can only recommend her. Michaela S.

Dynamics 365 iconIf you purchase the procedure, the consultation is free of charge.


Senior doctor of dermatology


We offer our customers the option of financing through a loan at KB Bank – Essox.

How it goes?

After an initial consultation with a doctor, our coordinator will help you arrange a loan so that you can get financing as quickly as possible

You can arrange a loan online within 10 minutes.

You can also apply the Benefit Plus employee program for the procedure or arrange beautyprotect® insurance for a greater sense of safety and security.

The financing offer only applies to patients with permanent residence in the Czech Republic.

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    The possibility of financing procedures at the KB – Essox

    A greater sense of security with beautyprotect® insurance

    Free consultation if you purchase the procedure