Elimination of excessive sweating
Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is one of the problems that puts the affected person at a significant social disadvantage. It affects both men and women and is most commonly found on circumscribed parts of the body such as the palms, soles, back of the feet, forehead, armpits or soles of the feet. At our clinic, we offer removal of excessive sweating by injection.
The procedure regulates sweating in a specific area without the risk of overheating the body.
If you purchase the procedure, the consultation is free of charge.
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Elimination of excessive sweating
Can excessive sweating be influenced by lifestyle?
Although we can only minimally influence the sweating of certain parts of the body, there are some factors we can look out for. These include alcohol consumption, dressing appropriately and reducing stress. Certain medications can also have an effect on sweating, in which case we recommend consulting a doctor.
In the case of secondary excessive sweating, it may be a symptom of another disease, such as a thyroid disorder, and we recommend a prior medical examination.
What you get from the procedure
- Highly effective elimination of sweating problem
- Treatment of palms, feet, forehead, back of the neck, armpits and other areas with increased sweating
- Long-term results depending on the choice of method
- Increased self-esteem and improved social and personal life
Elimination of excessive sweating by injection
This is a proven injectable method of eliminating excessive sweating. In this treatment, the application of a substance paralyzes the sweat gland, which reduces or completely stops the production of sweat. The substance is injected into the affected area with thin needles, usually one injection per 1 cm2 . In most cases, the application does not require anaesthesia, only in the case of very sensitive areas, such as the feet, the treatment is carried out under local anaesthesia or analgosedation. The treatment allows you to return to normal life immediately, but you should avoid rubbing the treated area and strenuous physical activity. The procedure can be repeated as required and recommended by the doctor.
Important information
The effect after the application of the substance occurs after 2-5 days, the procedure is safe and without side effects. Before the procedure, it is necessary to assess the general health condition by a doctor.
Words of our customers
If you purchase the procedure, the consultation is free of charge.
We offer our customers the option of financing through a loan at KB Bank – Essox.
How it goes?
After an initial consultation with a doctor, our coordinator will help you arrange a loan so that you can get financing as quickly as possible
You can arrange a loan online within 10 minutes.
You can also apply the Benefit Plus employee program for the procedure or arrange beautyprotect® insurance for a greater sense of safety and security.
The financing offer only applies to patients with permanent residence in the Czech Republic.
Book a free consultation
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The possibility of financing procedures at the KB – Essox
A greater sense of security with beautyprotect® insurance
Free consultation if you purchase the procedure