Discounts for Clever fit Chodov Clients

ABClinic Art & Beauty offers attractive discounts for clients of Clever fit Chodov.

Discount for Clever Fit Members

Discount Amounts:

From a procedure valued between 5,000 CZK and 10,000 CZK, a discount of 500 CZK.

From a procedure valued between 10,001 CZK and 30,000 CZK, a discount of 1,000 CZK.

From a procedure valued between 30,001 CZK and 50,000 CZK, a discount of 2,000 CZK.

From a procedure valued between 50,001 CZK and 80,000 CZK, a discount of 3,000 CZK.

From a procedure valued between 80,001 CZK and 100,000 CZK, a discount of 4,000 CZK.

From a procedure valued over 100,001 CZK, a discount of 5,000 CZK.

Who is eligible for the discounts?

  • Individuals over 18 years of age,
  • Individuals who correctly and truthfully fill out the required details in the Client Card before the procedure at the clinic and accept the information regarding the Processing and Protection of Personal Data,
  • Individuals who, by signing the Client Card, express consent with the records and conditions in the card and with the privacy protection principles,
  • Individuals who present their Clever fit Chodov membership card when visiting the clinic.

Beauty Ventures s.r.o. reserves the right to change or modify any part of the discount campaign.

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